Simple churches are excited to see new disciples start missional communities and simple/house churches in their homes, cafes, work places, prisons, sports clubs or connecting with missional hubs that serve their local communities.
We encourage people to use simple tools and practices that are easily reproducible, thus encouraging generational growth. We seek to train up disciples who make other disciples – not just consumers and spectators. Generational growth occurs when a new disciple, goes out and makes another disciple who then makes another disciple. This results in rapid multiplication of disciple makers and simple churches are formed when these disciples gather. |
We can help you start. - The meeting place is not that important.
Some structure will be needed, but it is not that important. - What is important is prayer, faith and attitude.
Some structure will be needed, but it is not that important. - What is important is prayer, faith and attitude.
WHY? - Why do you want to start a simple church?
Some wrong answers are:
- I don’t like our pastor. - I don’t like the music in our church. - I’m having some theological questions and want to try out my own methods. - I don’t like traveling so far to church. - I don’t want to be accountable. - I want to keep my tithe and offerings; I need them for my own expenses. - I just want to worship God. - I see it as a stepping stone to launch my ministry into a bigger church. All these answers are very self-centred and are all about personal preferences. These are the wrong answers to start any form of church. |
Here are some right answers:
- I have prayed and know God wants me to do this. - I believe this is a more biblical and effective way of doing church. - I see an opportunity to gather with with my unsaved friends and acquaintances and teach them biblical truths. - I see this as an effective way to make disciples. THE THREE BIGGEST MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKE IN COMMENCING A SIMPLE CHURCH:
1. PLANNING ON STARTING A CHURCH. Don't plan on starting a church, just plan on gathering regularly with people to encourage them and be encouraged by them to follow Jesus. 2. SHRINKING THE BIG CHURCH INTO THEIR LOUNGE ROOM. It is not about copying what your old church did and shrinking it to fit into your lounge room. Think differently. You don't need to do most of what happens in the bigger church. Your gifting is unique, use it. 3. THINKING YOU CAN NOT DO IT. We call it simple because it is simple enough for anyone to do. You don't need a building, budget, name or denomination. Trust in Jesus, gather somewhere and invite others. |